• Williams Road Psychotherapy Centre, 3 Williams Road, Windsor 3181
  • 0455 512 685
  • [email protected]
    • JANUARY 4, 2019

    Death Anxiety

    Death awareness has a profound impact on our thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Robert W Firestone Ph.D. posted May 18, 2018 Although largely unconscious, the awareness of our finite existence, the fact that we all must die, has a profound impact on our thoughts, feelings, and behavior. The fear and emotional anguish associated with anticipating the

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    • AUGUST 16, 2016

    Cancer — we need to change the conversation

    ABC Health & Wellbeing, 11th August, 2016 By Dr Ranjana Srivastava, with Ginger Gorman.   When it comes to cancer, the media traditionally paints a picture of two extremes. It celebrates the outliers — like the person who defied death and went on to have long, successful life, or the unfortunate patient whose life and

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    • JANUARY 4, 2019

    11 reasons why grieving in “stages” makes no sense

    This blog entry is by Suzette Misrachi, is a professional supervisor specialising in trauma and grief of competent and non-disordered adult children of parents with a severe mental illness, a Medicare approved mental health practitioner, psychotherapist and international presenter. Suzette writes regularly for e-publication Mindcafe, which keeps clinicians up to date with psychiatric and psychological

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