• Williams Road Psychotherapy Centre, 3 Williams Road, Windsor 3181
  • 0455 512 685
  • [email protected]

About Nathan

I am an experienced psychologist, family therapist and loss and grief counsellor in private practice in Windsor. I work with the issues of individuals, couples and families and specialise in helping people who are having difficulties with:

    • relationships involving their partner, family member or friend;
    • loss and grief – issues include relationship breakdown, loss of a job, loss of health, ageing, death, etc;
    • Cancer and other chronic illnesses. I have worked for many years with the issues of life-threatening illnesses supporting the diagnosed, their carers, family and friends. I have also trained in psycho-oncology. In 2017, I was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia and I have made a full recovery;
    • trauma
    • problematic addictions;
    • anxiety related issues; I also work with issues involving post-traumatic stress disorder after being trained in Level 2 of EMDR. For further  information about EMDR, please see posts in the Articles page under Traumatic Experiences ;
    • depression and anger issues (including anger management);
    • the general psychological issues behind improving fitness and nutrition, especially working with the issues of diabetics.

    I also offer counselling for the parents, partners and families of those with problematic behaviours. Issues dealt with include limit setting, consistency and guilt.

    In general, I work with his clients to reach a common understanding of the layers of complexity that may be involved in the presenting issues. I then help people better manage the complicated and problematic issues in their lives, so that they can function better in the present.

    Once this has been achieved, my clients are better able to move beyond management, towards the development of personal aspirations and their achievement.

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People often make judgements around these issues. It is important for us all to remember that as individuals we are not completely good nor completely bad, nor are we simply strong people or completely weak people. We are all much more complex than these simplifications.

I specialise in helping people better understand, manage and then grow beyond the complicated and problematic issues in their lives.


Q & A

  • Q & A – General Relationship Issues

    General Relationship Issues Q. My partner and I always argue. Does that mean we don’t have a good relationship and that we should break up? A common belief is that a good relationship is a relationship without arguments, a relationship where both partners always agree. However, a relationship always exists between two different people, people